Cognitive Box Working With AAMPA

Really pleased the Cognitive Box team is involved in helping and working with this amazing and inspiring project and organization, AAMPA, (African American Museum of the Performing Arts), based out of Chicago, IL. Check out their latest series of “setting our own table” and go to find out more about AAMPA and the mission.  To see more episodes of “setting our own table” check out , and please go and support. IT’S GONNA BE BIG!

“AAMPA will live as the definitive archive of  the cultural expression of African American high performance art. The centerpiece of this institution, the “living” museum will offer the general public a venue where they can learn about, participate in, and enjoy great works of performance art by African Americans. Housing both permanent and temporary installations, the museum will be fully interactive, with an analog and digital library, archival footage of theatrical performances, in dance, jazz, drama, musicals, etc., and live demonstrations by Conservatory students and local artists.

The first of its kind, AAMPA will rescue, preserve, and curate myriad facts and artifacts depicting black performance excellence to prevent the loss of this invaluable slice of American and world history to time. Exhibits will span generations of hard-fought accomplishments in traditional—theatre, film, TV, radio, classical, gospel, jazz, blues, ballet, modern—and nontraditional—comedy, architectural design, sports, visual arts, oration—performance disciplines.

AAMPA will become the premier institution through which we will chronicle our legends; provide a nurturing and inspiring environment for a new generation of performers who are dedicated to enriching our lives through their craft, daring, and accomplishment; forge arts alliances; and incubate thought leadership, research, and new art forms that foster self-definition, social justice, healing, and consciousness.

AAMPA will ultimately be the national hub for artistic expression on the South Side of Chicago. This will help change the stigma surrounding South Side neighborhoods and reinforce the African American legacy of arts and culture in Chicago.”

Check it out, find out more, make a donation!